Astronergy listed as 2023 overall highest achiever by RETC after rigorous PV module tests

(Adnkronos) – HANGZHOU, China, July 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Astronergy, a pioneer in n-type TOPCon PV modules and globally top 2 TOPCon capacity manufacturer, has been recognized as a '2023 Overall Highest Achiever' in the annual PV Module Index (PVMI) published by the Renewable Energy Test Center (RETC), certifying the great quality, performance and reliability of Astronergy's PV modules. RETC is a leading engineering service and certification testing provider for the solar industry. It tests modules for 12 months across 11 tests spanning the categories of quality, performance, and reliability, and then give the title of 'Overall Highest Achiever' to identify the best of the best in accordance with rigorous tests' results for showcasing and recognizing industry-leading PV module companies and technologies in its PV Module Index Report. According to the results in RETC report, Astronergy's title-winning performance can be attributed to high scores in various areas, including module quality, LETID resistance, PAN files, damp heat, and thermal cycle. After RETC standard LETID resistance test which has three times of intensity than that of the IEC standard, the power degradation data of the ASTRO N n-type TOPCon module is only -0.24%, which is industry-leading, said Jack Zhou, General Manager of Astronergy Global Product Management. That is great evidence showing the strength of the Astronergy modules in terms of resistance to photoinduced attenuation. For the 2023 report, RETC has compiled performance distribution data for modules exposed to a 600-hour TC test (TC600), which is three times of intensity than that of IEC and UL certification standards. And after 600 thermal cycles, said Jack, the power attenuation data of Astronergy n-type TOPCon PV modules is -0.54%, which is also the frontier-level in the industry. Not limited to above mentioned tests, series of rigorous tests conducted by RETC just like a touchstone of Astronergy's great products. As a company which expected to have 55GW PV module manufacturing capacity (n-type TOPCon accounted for 81%) at the end of 2023, Astronergy to offer more its frontier products for the world to enjoy sustainable green energy. Photo –
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